Miracle Sauce

23 May

Sunday-P90X 2 P.A.P Lower
Monday-Treadmill run
Tuesday-P90X 2 P.A.P Upper
Wednesday-P90X 2 P.A.P Lower

I am getting back into my groove! I am so freakin’ sore, but that’s a good feeling though. According to the scale I am 60 pounds lighter than I was last year before I got a brain and started taking care of myself.

Cooking has been fun this week because I can make what I want. Still keeping it healthy and as clean as possible. I am back to having my beloved Shakeology for lunch again. SO happy about that! I have been making them with almond milk, water, ice, PB2, and a quarter of a banana.

I have been eating fresh fruit for breakfast and snacks. Except this morning, I had oatmeal. I was in the mood for something warm, so I switched it up a bit. Because I’m crazy like that.

Dessert last night.


I was prepping for supper and I was thinking about all the work that goes into cooking a healthy meal. Now, it doesn’t bother me, but I can see how it can discourage people, especially if they are not big on cooking. My biggest tip is organization. After you come home from the store wash all of your produce and store on the shelves in your refrigerator. I like to put the foods I use the most in a basket. I usually use onions, peppers, carrots, zucchini, and cucumbers in almost every meal I make. So I have all of these in a basket and I can just grab it and get to work. I don’t have to dig around in the crisper and search through all the plastic bags. This is much more efficient and fun. Plus, it makes your fridge look fancy inside…


Tonight’s dinner was somewhat of a miracle. I made homemade spaghetti sauce. I made a separate batch for Tyrell with some meat. The sauce had zucchini, green and red peppers, mushrooms, garlic, onion, and carrots. All over organic whole wheat angel hair pasta. I also made a big spinach salad.


The miracle occurred sometime around 5:30 pm. My son, I repeat, MY son, ate this meal with me. If you know Maddox, you know he is the pickiest eater ever. The best part, he kept picking out the tomatoes and zucchini. Moms, you have to understand where this excitement comes from. May not seem to be much to some, but to me, it was a miracle! Keep it healthy. Amen.

One Response to “Miracle Sauce”

  1. PushDumpFatButton May 29, 2012 at 11:59 am #

    Reblogged this on Push Dump Fat Button.

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